Don't F**K With The Stars Y'all!
Devout Astrology follower? who me? Nahhhh. I profess, however, that into day 1 of Mercury going ‘retrograde’ last month I was not prepared to gamble my hard work away. I had been warned that launching anything new during this time was a “bad idea” as all communication is challenged during this 2 week period. I gingerly tested the waters by softly launching my new song and video clip with a few close friends. 2 days of missed calls, bad phone reception, redirected and bounced emails later I was more than persuaded to hold off.
I’m happy to say that Mercury is almost done thwarting things...but my internet is down (suprise, suprise) and I will need to travel to the nearest cafe to steal some internet in order to get this to you. (Don’t be foolish like me and go up against the stars....especially when launching a single called Guiding Star!)
So rest easy amigos. Mercury goes back to normal after October 10 and I will then unveil my wonderful video clip that has been kept under tight wraps!
For now you can have a sneeky preview listen to Guiding Star via Sound-Cloud.
Behind The Scenes of the Guiding Star Video Clip (Created by Astro Video filmed at Bestbrook Mountain Resort, QLD) )
The Guiding Star Tour kicks off this coming Sunday October 11th at Tintenbar (between Byron Bay & Lismore). I will also have very special guest Fingal accompanying me on guitar and accordian.
For complete tour dates please visit my website or you can easily follow me via the great Bandsintown app. (Tour poster below)
More soon folks (I'll unveil the video next week)
Love Abbie