- Earplugs! for band mate snoring, loud chewers and screaming inflight babies.
- Cheap guitar leads exist to teach you an expensive lesson
- Cibo boasts best coffee in Adelaide airport (Step Away from Terra Rosa)
- Sleeping in your van before a red-eye flight = More sleep (almost feels like cheating!)
- It pays to do a quick scan of the airport before you buy a $4 luggage trolley
- It's a really nice feeling to give your luggage trolley to someone at the airport and save them $4
- Take a photo of where you park in the long-term car park
- Always check to see if your iPhone charger is still plugged in the hotel wall
- A perfume scented scarf is essential in overcoming a farting in-flight neighbour!
- Carry a spare power supply just in case yours gets blown up just before your show (like Jeff Langs did in Alice Springs)
- Set calendar alarms to SMS reminders before ALL radio interviews
- Must pack fingerless gloves for outdoor winter gigs!
- Always assume the band don't read your emails & text them ALL show details again on the day!
- Always pack up your own gear (or prepare to buy a new capo/lead/tuner.)
- Remember to pack emergency food rations for the gigs where there is no time to eat!!!
- People LOVE T-Towels!!?! (*must order more for my next tour)
- Dry shampoo!!!!
- Alice Springs is beautiful! Make sure to gig there one day.
Skidding in sideways just before winter in this hemisphere comes to a close and September brings Spring...I race to deliver you to these August musings. I considered typing this with one finger on my mobile phone app a couple of weeks ago in mid check-in queue to one of my numerous flights during this months heavy touring schedule but it all seemed too uphill. I decided I was allowed to drop the ball for a moment or two and just rely on instagram and face-crack to keep in touch.
My Songs For The Dead Of Winter Tour was a non-stop adventure that took me to freezing Melbourne and regional Victoria, Brisbane, back to Adelaide, all the way to my first trip in balmy wintery Alice Springs and back again! It was a beloved month of flights, long drives, solo, duo and band gigs, songwriting workshops, a charity fundraiser and lecturing JMC lyric classes in-between it all. Busier than I have ever been I felt alive and thrived. Naturally, I am now ready for the flip-side quiet of the countryside..... to write, make art and be still for a moment before the next wave of touring. It took me a while to truly understand this...but the dump after any big event, tour, production, play etc is real and oh so very normal. I am already keen for the next phase.
I love all the stages of this vocation. The Yin & The Yang. The loud and outwardly mobile larger than life stuff that leads me to adventures, new friends, bright lights, late nights and encores.....and the solitude of extended creative times wether joyful or challenging. The never-ending admin stuff can grind me down sometimes but it really ends up making the touring harvest all the sweeter.
Let the photo's below from my August do the rest of the talking.